
As blockchain technology opens up new opportunities in the world of work, the Corporate Members of the World Employment Confederation recently met and decided to lay the foundations of common action to reduce frictions in the processes of connecting people with work.



The initiative unites experts in IT / Digital of The Adecco Group, GiGroup, Kelly Services, ManpowerGroup, Randstad and RGF Staffing over a set of agreed points:



  • That because so many individuals enter, or re-enter, the workforce through our industry, we share an obligation to make that experience a positive and trusted one for all candidates, workers and employers.
  • 正因为有这么多的人通过我们的行业进入或重新进入劳动力市场,我们有义务让所有候选人、工人和雇主都获得正面且值得信赖的经历。


  • That blockchain technology offers unique capabilities to enhance both data privacy and data sharing across the ecosystem of solution providers involved in connecting people with work.
  • 这种区块链技术提供了独特的功能,可以为关联人与工作的跨解决方案供应商生态系统强化数据隐私和数据共享。


  • That a fundamental shift has occurred, requiring all involved in the industry to recognize that the personal data we collect about individual candidates and workers as part of the businesses we run, remains, at the core, the property of the candidate and worker.
  • 作为一种根本性的转变,并要求行业内所有从业人员都意识到,虽然我们业务之一是收集候选人与工人的个人数据,但是本质上这些信息依然是候选人和工人的财产。


  • That a lack of standards in the data collected from candidates and workers is a contributor to the inefficiency and poor experience consistently identified in the hiring processes.
  • 从候选人和工人处收集到的数据缺乏标准,是造成招聘过程中始终缺乏效率且体验糟糕的原因。


  • That we are at a point in time where taking action as a collective industry body is both positive for our businesses individually and for society collectively.
  • 我们正处于这样一个时刻:作为一个行业团体来采取行动,对我们的企业个体和社会都是积极有利的。


  • That there is now an available technology mechanism that can address the data privacy, experience of the worker and customer and control of personal data business challenges effectively; therefore, defining a standard is in the best interest of all stakeholders.
  • 现在有一个可行的技术机制,可以有效解决数据隐私、工人与客户的经验,以及有效控制个人数据业务挑战的问题,因此需要定义一套标准来符合所有相关者的利益。

In 2020, the World Employment Confederation expects further breakthroughs in how technology will enhance the worker’s journey. Feeding off the unique insights and data sets of its Corporate Members, efforts will be geared towards recommending a common set of worker data that can reside on a block, guidelines/best practices, and use cases for which we – and the candidates and workers -, and others across industry, can utilize this data block to make it easier for people to enter and re-enter the workforce.



The World Employment Confederation and its Corporate Members are ready to work with all stakeholders active in the field of blockchain technology and its applications in employment services in order to create a positive and trusted experience for candidates, workers and employers.




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