
Dear Partners,



Happy Chinese New Year!



In this special Spring Festival, Gi Group China will always work together with you to face this New Coronavirus Epidemic which has influenced all over China.



In order to fight against this Epidemic, the Chinese State Council and parts of the municipal governments all have provided the clear instructions and suggestions to lengthen the Spring Festival Holiday. Gi Group China will also actively cooperate with the local governments and their instructions. We have already executed the internal adjustments to ensure the normal operations, such as the work shifts for the important positions, remote support and etc. to react/ arrange/ follow-up/ execute spontaneously for the related requirements to the return of work.



The Work Group and Delivery Support Center during the Novel Coronavirus Epidemic control period of Gi Group China is as follows:

– 自2月3日起,杰艾中国将妥善安排客服及业务人员做好相应的工作对接,最大程度保障工资发放、税收申报、社保缴纳等各项工作的顺利开展。

– Since 3rd Feb, Gi Group China will make proper arrangements for our delivery and business staff to provide the normal work communication and make sure in max. the normal workflow such as the salary payment, tax declaration, social security payment and etc.


– 在2月3 – 9日期间,与客户日常对接的业务和服务负责人将保持全天候邮件、手机、微信等通讯渠道畅通,全面在线支持客户和员工及相关项目的进程,确保客户服务工作正常有序进行。

– From 3rd to 9th Feb, the delivery and business staff in charge for all the clients will be all available by email, mobile, Wechat and etc. We will provide online support for you, all the employees and related projects to guarantee the smooth conduct of our service.


– 杰艾中国将及时更新疫情相关的政策调整与解读。请您关注我们的微信公众号【GiGroup_cn】。

– We will update the related policy adjustment and explanations in time and on time. Please follow our Wechat Official Accounts 【GiGroup_cn】 for any updates.



In the meanwhile, Gi Group China proposes you to improve your self-protection, and actively cooperate with the government for the New Coronavirus Epidemic prevention arrangements together with us. We will always undertake our social responsibilities and duties without any holding back.



Thanks again for your trust and support to Gi Group China all the way.



We believe we will go through all these difficulties in the near future. Everything will get better and better in 2020!



Gi Group China


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