
We are proud to present our fifth Global CSR Report, which includes the main Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives promoted by Gi Group over 2018.

2018年对于杰艾集团来说,是非常特殊的一年。在这一年,我们庆祝了集团成立20周年,并准备好了以更坚定的姿态,展望未来,迎接新挑战。 进入2019年,我们充分意识到就业市场正在发生重大改变,我们也预见到,我们将在企业、候选人、工人、雇员和机构的关系中扮演越来越重要的指引和合作伙伴的角色。

2018 was a very special year for Gi Group, celebrating our 20th anniversary we took this time to look to the future with greater awareness, setting new challenges and asking ourselves important questions. Going into 2019, we are conscious of the significant changes taking place in the job market and we foresee our role increasing as a guide and partner to companies, candidates, workers, employees and institutions.

为了庆祝成立20周年,杰艾集团启动了为期一年的名为“NEX20”的项目。通过该项目,我们建立并加强了与员工的联系。我们在集团所覆盖的所有国家和地区开展了Gi Group路演。在这次路演中,我们通过GiNET(新的全球内部网),与4,000名员工进行了前所未有的交流,并启动了众多区域和全球性举措,致力于提高员工的满意度和参与度。

To celebrate our 20th anniversary we launched NEXT20, a 1-year project through which we established and strengthened the connection with our employees. We embarked on a Gi Group roadshow in all the countries where the group is based, during this roadshow we communicated more than ever before with our 4,000 employees through GiNET, our new global intranet, launching numerous local and global initiatives dedicated to our people’s satisfaction and engagement.


Like every year, we continue to play an active role in society on an international level, through participation in the World Employment Confederation. We’re also committed to strengthening our relationship with local communities, proposing collaboration initiatives, as well as launching new activities related to skills and professional development.


Our plans for 2019 are no less demanding, and we aim to create value by contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, focusing in particular on the goals that crossover with our services and Solutions.


Here, we invite you to read the fifth edition of the Group’s CSR Report. Click and download the report: https://cn.gigroup.com/csr/

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