

The Space Academy is a two-day event for European space-tech entrepreneurs to accelerate their business.


All entrepreneurs are welcome to join the Space Academy workshops (Day 1) for coaching in small groups on six selected topics by prominent experts:


  • 投资准备和投资关系,如何获得投资者的信任和资金支持;
  • Investment readiness and relationships, how to be trusted by investors and get funded;


  • 众筹类别(回报众筹、股权众筹、债权众筹),如何通过正确的活动最大化你的影响力;
  • Kinds of crowdfunding (reward-based, equity-based, lending), how to maximize your impact with the right campaign;


  • 热门趋势:人工智能、机器人学和航天应用;
  • Hot trends: artificial intelligence, robotics and space applications;


  • 商业模式,如何调整你的业务并使其更加有效;
  • Business models, how to fine tune your business and make it even more effective;


  • 欧洲基金,如何在众多欧洲倡议中找到合适的融资机会;
  • European funds, how to find the right funding opportunity in the ocean of the European initiatives;


  • 航天生态系统,如何与国际航天机构和企业建立联系,并应用于ESA ITT
  • Space ecosystem, how to connect with international space institutions and corporates, and applying to ESA ITT


Day 1: An intense workshop day where entrepreneurs can improve their skills and get insights from experts on various topics, with main sessions as well as one-to-one and roundtable meetings.



Day 2: Panel and keynote sessions as well as pitches from 10 selected companies to an audience representing the space sector from all over the world.



All suitable applicants can attend both days and benefit from expertise and plenty of opportunities for networking and interaction. 10 more advanced start-ups (selected based on their business plans submitted to competition) will be entitled to receive individual high-level coaching, mentoring and travel support.


The role of Gi Group as Human Resources leader globally, will be to advice start ups on their HR needs, including but not limited to recruitment and retention of qualified staff.


如需了解更多信息可访问www.space-academy.eu 网站。

More information and details can be found at www.space-academy.eu

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