
Europe’s life sciences workforce is at a tipping point. From an ageing population to AI-driven disruption and geopolitical upheaval, the pressure on talent leaders has never been greater. This report gives you the knowledge you need to navigate unprecedented shifts and come out thriving.

报告内容概览 What’s inside?



Here’s a glimpse at some of the insights you’ll find in the report:


利用新兴中心 Harness emerging hubs


With countries like Bulgaria and Latvia rising, how will you tap into new hotspots? Uncover where’s growing, where’s slowing, and how to turn it all to your advantage.


为劳动力做好未来准备 Future-proof your workforce


The skills gap is widening. How can you close it before it becomes a crisis? Learn how to bridge the gap between the workforce you have today and the capabilities you need tomorrow.


释放被忽视的潜力 Unlock overlooked potential


Women and older workers remain underutilised in critical roles. Are you missing out on talent that could help fill your most challenging positions? Find out where the barriers lie and how to overcome them.


以技能为招聘导向,而非头衔 Hire for skills, not titles


As demand for capabilities like AI and digital health skyrockets, how should you adjust your hiring strategy? Discover how to focus on the skills that matter, not just ticking boxes on candidate scorecards.

准备好行动了吗 Ready to act?


The future of Europe’s life sciences workforce is unfolding right now. How you respond could define your position in the market for many years to come. Our report gives you the clarity you need to navigate what’s coming—and turn it into your next big opportunity.

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  • 发送邮件至marketing.cn@gigroup.com, 备注您的姓名、公司名称、职位及邮箱地址,以获取完整报告。
  • Contact us at marketing.cn@gigroup.com with your name, company name, position and e-mail address to receive the full document.
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